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Planned Giving

The Power of Planned Giving: Leave a Legacy with Mission Quest


At Mission Quest, we believe in the enduring power of generosity. One of the most impactful ways to ensure that your legacy of giving lives on is through planned giving. By including Mission Quest in your estate plans, you can make a lasting difference in the lives of countless individuals and communities around the world.

What is Planned Giving​

Planned giving, also known as legacy giving, allows you to make charitable contributions through your financial or estate plans. This form of giving enables you to support Mission Quest's mission while also achieving your own financial and philanthropic goals.


Benefits of Planned Giving

1. Leave a Lasting Impact: Your planned gift ensures that your commitment to making a difference continues beyond your lifetime. It helps sustain our programs and initiatives for future generations.

2. Financial Flexibility: Planned giving offers a variety of options that can be tailored to your financial situation and goals.

3. Tax Advantages: Many planned giving options provide significant tax benefits, helping you maximize your philanthropic impact while reducing your tax burden.


How to Get Started​

1. Consult with Your Financial Advisor: Discuss your options with a financial advisor or estate planning attorney to determine the best type of planned gift for your situation.​

2. Notify Mission Quest: Let us know about your planned gift so we can ensure your intentions are honored and recognize your generosity appropriately.​


Join Us in Making a Difference​

Planned giving is a powerful way to leave a legacy of hope and transformation. By including Mission Quest in your estate plans, you ensure that your impact will be felt for years to come. For more information on planned giving options and how to get started, please visit our website at or contact us at


Thank you for your commitment to creating a brighter future. Together, we can achieve extraordinary things.





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