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Donate Stock to Mission Quest

How to Donate Stock to Mission Quest

Support Mission Quest by donating publicly traded stock or other securities. Your generous contributions help us continue our vital mission work and respond to the most urgent needs.


Important Notification:

Please alert us at that a gift is being transferred, as donated stock that arrives in our account without identification may delay issuance of a tax-deductible receipt. In your email alert to Mission Quest, please include:

  • The donor's name

  • The name, ticker symbol, and number of shares of the stock being donated

  • The donor's mailing address for issuance of the tax receipt

  • The purpose of the gift

  • Whether it is a payment on a pledge

The most valuable gifts are undesignated and support Mission Quest’s mission. These gifts allow flexibility for responding to the most urgent needs. However, Mission Quest accepts gifts designated for a specific purpose. To ensure our capacity to honor a designated gift, contact us at

Mission Quest's EIN/tax ID number: 47-4865647


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